
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rocket Man Cronicles

I am in the air on my way to Dallas and have about another 90 minutes of flight time ahead of me in this flying gas can. Well I have gone through Jamie Fox's new album "Intuition" and now John Legend's "Evolver" is in my ear. Did I mention that this is one of the bumpiest plane rides ever; I feel like an egg in the carton and hope I don't crack.

Still wishing I was at WPPI with my mentors and other professional photographers I follow so that will be a 2010 goal of mine. I should have brought my laptop with me as I have two slideshows to finish and some editing to do but they will have to wait another week.

Today I shot two teens for our MIY project; the acronym puts me in the mind of Mission Impossible. Our teens for the project are Brie and Ashlyn. Brie is all over my website and blog banner; she's the half face young lady. I heard back from Brie's Mom that the girls had a great time meeting me; well who wouldn't, learning about the project and lightened up when I said "fashion" type shots. I made up a new term just because I could. I call it photojounalashion" - it's where photojournalism and fashion meet and when I get the pronunciation right I will let you know. Did I mention the flight was a little bumpy and that I wish I was at WPPI? Just checking and any mis-spellings in this Blog entry WILL be blamed on the pilot of American Airlines flight...

Well Brie and Ashlyn were a lot of fun and as you will see; very photogenic. I snuck in a few shots of Brie's Mom but don't tell her. We've been friends for a very long time so she get over it as long as I don't post the one where she looks drunk. LOL.

After today's meeting I believe we are just about done meeting and greeting our models and so ends the easy part of this project; now comes the hard stuff. Going through all the paperwork, release forms, data sheets, remembering the conversations, personalities, do's and don't, good sides, not as good sides, remembering how they responded in front of the camera, preliminary ideas for their shoots and the list goes on and on.

From here we will have individual meetings with some models where we will bring forward our ideas and possibly ask more questions about who these people are. I feel we have an awesome group and this is going to be a lot of fun.
Angel and I met with Phil and his wife Christine on Thursday of last week. They are a very fun couple with a fun story about how they met and how she stalked him until he said yes; she's going to kill me because it really didn't go down that way but it does make for a great story. I could go on and on about these two as she's a school teacher, he works by day and plays guitar by night and they sing karaoke together after a few umbrella drinks. We will be doing some road trips with these two to catch them in their environments.

Anyway, did I mention that the ride was bumpy? The pilot just walked by me and I thought to myself I really need you to get back up in the cockpit so handle your business quickly. The flight attendant is very funny walking around with her Walmart plastic bag picking up the trash. I need to make sure I have my receipt for my $15 check bag fee; pretty soon their be a fee for using their "air" on the plane and coins for the restrooms with the blue water and turbo flush; wonder where all that stuff goes after it's been..... Ok, I won't go there literally. You can tell I have a lot of time on my hands to write.

Being up so high and helpless makes me realize how blessed I am. For the opportunity to fly and to just be in my right mind with no health issues and a family that is well. So many of my friends and their family members have had their share of painful discoveries and loss and my heart and prayers go out to them BIG time. Sometimes we don't realize how blessed we are with our current set of circumstances until we find reason to count our blessings. Well I am on solid ground, in my hotel, re-energizing for Dallas tomorrow, my business and some great shots.

I'll be blogging you....


1 comment:

Arlene Hope Photography said...

This was so funny David!
Keep up the fantastic work.
~A. Hope Smith